Partial Knee Replacement Surgery

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Partial Knee Replacement Surgery

Partial knee replacements is indicated for those patients in whom only one compartment of knee joint is affected by arthritis. The knee joint is divided into three compartments – medial, lateral and patellofemoral. Partial knee replacement for medial compartment of knee has been successfully performed worldwide. In recent times, partial replacement of the patella-femoral joint is also gaining popularity. Patients who suffer with inflammatory arthritis, knee stiffness, ligamentous injury or arthritis in more than one compartment are not suitable candidate for this procedure.

Partial knee replacement is performed through much smaller skin incision than for total knee replacement surgery. As only part of the knee is replaced, patients feels it more natural. Lesser post-operative pain and “natural feeling” helps in quicker rehabilitation and recovery after the surgery. Patients return to their normal activities sooner.